Spring ‘23 Update: New Features and Updates

Here is a list of the new and updated features that are a part of our new Beam Music App update!

Portrait Mode

Beam users on tablet devices are now able to rotate their screen to view their music in portrait mode. Users can rotate between portrait and landscape mode and determine which is best to view their music.

Beam Button's Expanded Functionality

What was the blue "Live Mode" button at the bottom right of the screen is now the "Beam Button."

The Beam Button allows you to access a suite of newly developed view and setting options. Tapping on the the Beam Button now allows you to:

  • Enter, start or end a Live Mode

  • Toggle on Dark Music Mode

  • Toggle on Screen Saver Mode (Directors only)

As more features are built, they may be added to the Beam Button suite of options.

Dark Music Mode

As mentioned above, Dark Music Mode can be accessed by tapping on the Beam Button. It will invert the the colors on the screen, allowing you to eliminate glare on the screen, or view the music more easily in overly bright or dim venues.

Screen Saver Mode

Directors (or those with Edit Access) that start a Live Mode Session now have the ability to put all connected devices into Screen Saver Mode.

Screen Saver Mode essentially puts all user devices into "sleep mode" by turning the screen black. Users can individually exit the black screen and re-enter the music by tapping anywhere on the screen. They can re-enter the Screen Saver Mode by long pressing anywhere on the screen for 2 seconds, or by doing nothing for 60 seconds.

Directors are able to re-enter the music and change the displayed song in the background for all users devices, so when the user taps back into the music or the director ends the Screen Saver Mode, the new song is instantly displayed for them without the user doing anything!

Deleting a Previous Live Mode Session

Directors (and users with Edit Access) now have the ability to delete previous Live Mode Sessions.

To delete an old Live Mode Session:

  • Tap the Beam Button

  • Tap Live Mode

  • Tap "Join a Live Mode"

  • Either swipe left (iOS) or tap the trash can of the Live Mode Session that you would like to end

Saving Zoom Level

Users have the ability to zoom in on any portion of a part or score and save that zoom level so that every time that page or part is opened, it is opened at that specific zoom level.

Users can save this zoom level for individual pages of a part or for all pages of a part.

To save a zoom level, tap the arrows at the top right and then tap "Save Zoom Level." Additionally, you can then tap the toggle to save this level to all pages of the part. You are also able to update the zoom level at any time by tapping the "update" button.

Deleting/Removing Members from the Ensemble

Directors now have the ability to delete/remove members from the ensemble. To do so:

  • Tap the Home button from the home screen

  • Tap Settings

  • Tap Ensemble

  • Swipe left (iOS) or tap the trash can for any member you would like to delete/remove

Disabling Screen Shots/Recordings

Directors now have the ability to enable or disable the ability for all users (directors and members) to take screen shots or recordings while inside of Beam Music App.

If any Director toggles on the ability to disable screen shots and recordings, all users will lose this functionality.

Offline Access

Users are now able to access their Beam Music App accounts when they have no internet or data access. Users will need to have previously accessed and downloaded the files that they wish to access.