Adding Songs to Beam

The process of importing songs to your library is quick and simple with Beam, especially when allowing users with Edit Mode access to assist with the building of your library.

To begin, make sure that your ensemble’s account is connected to your cloud service of choice or that you have files available locally on your device. You can learn how to link your account to a cloud service here.

  1. While in the 'All Songs' tab of the home screen, tap on the blue '+' button at the top right of the screen

  2. Type in the name of the song you will be adding and tap 'create'

Importing the PDF's

Now that the song folder has been created, you will need to import all of the PDF's that will be associated with the song.

  1. While in the song folder and the 'Imported Files' tab, tap the at the top left. Tap in the 'Import Files' button.

  2. Find or search for the PDF's from Dropbox, Google Drive or Local Storage. Tap the the file name to go deeper into the folder.

  3. Once you have the file(s) or folder you want to upload, tap on the blue circle(s) to the right.

  4. Tap 'Import' at the top right.